Thursday, April 26, 2012


Electricity is defined as the physical phenomena arising from the behavior of electrons and protons that is caused by the attraction of particles with opposite charges and the repulsion of particles with the same charge. In other words, electricity is a form of power. Now while electricity is a major form of power on this planet, there is another form of power that has an even greater impact on earth. That power is oil. Oil, gasoline, fuel- these are the real powerhouses that drive our global industrial economy and its impact on earth has a magnitude far greater than that of electricity.

However, while electricity has a relatively low impact on the environment, oil is one of the leading contributors to our current environmental problems. All over the world carbon emissions from oil powered machinery is spewed into the environment, trapping heat and casing the planet to gradually get warmer. A phenomenon also called global warming that has the capacity to and has already melted glaciers, acidified the seas, and forced dozens of species into extinction. But what can we do to stop these things from getting worse?

Let’s think about it y’all- what do we as Americans living in such a mobile society do every day? That’s right- we drive. We drive our cars, SUVs and pick-up trucks everywhere. As a result, we are constantly pumping CO2 into the atmosphere through our exhaust pipes and it is taking a toll on our planet. So make some changes people, and by changes I don’t mean sacrifices, but changes for the better. So here comes a few ways to reduce the C02 emissions solely from our automobiles:

1. Carpool: A shout out to all the soccer moms out there; use those mini-vans and endless amount of cup holders to carpool with other children, parents, or families. You never know, you may even make some friends along the way, no pun intended. However this idea goes for more than just the Dodge Caravans out there, just about anyone going anywhere, to work, school, vacations, or friends houses can find another people headed in their direction. Many cities even sponsor carpooling by setting up rideshare programs that allow people to carpool in an easy, fast, and safe way. Think about how much less traffic congestion would occur on roadways if people carpooled together, and parking as well, you might even be able to find a parking spot without having to drive around for 30 minutes. Better yet, this would tremendously reduce the CO2 emissions from car exhausts and help make the planet greener and cleaner.

2. Switch it up: To all my fellow farmers out there, there was a time when revving your diesel engine was cool, but it is not today! Now y’all just look plain dumb. Diesel fuel produces far more carbon emissions than regular grade fuel because diesel is less refined and therefore thicker, dirtier, and more importantly, more toxic to the environment. So if you’re pick-up can take regular, switch and switch now. I promise you your machine’s performance will not suffer.

3. Two words: Public Transportation. Use it!!!

4. Prove the rest of the world wrong and show that Americans are not lazy by walking. Walk to work, school, a friends house, etc and you will not only be making yourself healthier but also the environment by reducing your carbon footprint in each step you take.

5. Any boaters out there? Why not stop polluting the air and water by harnessing the power of the elements. Use the power of the sun a.k.a solar panels to keep your boat afloat. Or keep your boat sailing by another one of mother nature’s gift; the wind.

6. Go for Gold!: If you really want to reduce your CO2 emissions why not just eliminate it entirely by driving one of those classy electric cars. More and more charging stations are popping up all over the country which makes it easier to be greener. If that’s too ambitious for you, why not try for the silver and consider a hybrid car in your future? Gas mileage is fantastic and while your car still does run partially on gasoline, the amount of C02 your car would emit would decrease exponentially!
Alright now, so while power is necessarily a good thing, it has bad forms as well, consider some of history’s most famous dictators and you will believe me. That is why it is a good idea to consider when there is too much power, as in the case of oil, or even more specifically the CO2 emissions it derives just from automobiles and what to do about. If you care about your life at all, which I would believe most of you as I’m guessing you’re not all existentialists, then really consider some of the above choices to reduce our carbon emissions and make our planet healthier. That’s it for now and I hope I see y’all in Greener Days.

1 comment:

  1. these are a great series of posts.. I now know more about electricity than ever before and I am sure you do as well ..
