Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's Electric: Back to the Future( Cars Edition)

I was walking to class when I happened to check out this hybrid car in the parking lot that was in the spot labeled "fuel efficient cars only" I was pretty impressed at the fact that Elon has taken a step to promote those who drive fuel efficient cars that they get the VIP treatment. Electric cars have been the focus of the future. They are cars that are supposed to run on electricity and save on using gas and fossil fuel to make the gas. Even though many car companies are experimenting with this, they have found some positive results on electric vehicles. Here are some facts about them, according to

Electric vehicles (EVs) are propelled by an electric motor (or motors) powered by rechargeable battery packs. Electric motors have several advantages over internal combustion engines (ICEs):
  • Energy efficient. Electric motors convert 75% of the chemical energy from the batteries to power the wheels—internal combustion engines (ICEs) only convert 20% of the energy stored in gasoline.
  • Environmentally friendly. EVs emit no tailpipe pollutants, although the power plant producing the electricity may emit them. Electricity from nuclear-, hydro-, solar-, or wind-powered plants causes no air pollutants.
  • Performance benefits. Electric motors provide quiet, smooth operation and stronger acceleration and require less maintenance than ICEs.
  • Reduce energy dependence. Electricity is a domestic energy source.
EVs face significant battery-related challenges:
EV recharging
  • Driving range. Most EVs can only go about 100–200 miles before recharging—gasoline vehicles can go over 300 miles before refueling.
  • Recharge time. Fully recharging the battery pack can take 4 to 8 hours. Even a "quick charge" to 80% capacity can take 30 min.
  • Battery cost: The large battery packs are expensive and may need to be replaced one or more times.
  • Bulk & weight: Battery packs are heavy and take up considerable vehicle space.
However, researchers are working on improved battery technologies to increase driving range and decrease recharging time, weight, and cost. These factors will ultimately determine the future of EVs.

So as we have seen, Electric vehicles have been the future and what we need to strive for in order to become a green planet. Our focus this week has been electricity and how to make a difference by conserving it or going to alternative energy because of it. Electricity is something that we, as humans are trying to look forward to in the future. It's alarming that many of these cars are still running on gas. We must be the generation that takes that step to making change and buying these type of cars. It's nice because you can charge your car up in your own house and it will run for a long time. 
There are a lot of powerful things that Electricity can do. It is our future and we should not shy away from it. We need to accept it and do more to promote alternative energy, like electricity. Even though we want you to use electricity, conserve it as well, because it is important for our future. 

B. L. J.= Static Shock

1 comment:

  1. We certainly can bop around town and do small things with electric cars. the point is that we need to do better with less period.
