Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Being Your Own Cat

Have you ever heard the phrase curiosity kills the cat? If you haven’t we might need to discuss the rock you are living under. While in many situations curiosity and snooping can lead to consequences that most of us don’t want to have to deal with, much of the time, it can also lead to beautiful revelations and learning that you would have never had before if you hadn’t asked that one question.

My curiosity led me to paper. I know it sounds strange but just hold in there with me for a while. The other day I was cleaning out my desk, which is something to be curious all about itself, and organizing school materials. This led me to three notebooks that I use for my classes. When trying to organize these I became very frustrated with the amount of paper that I had to find a place for; and that’s where my curiosity came in. Exactly how much paper do I have here? So I counted. In those 3 notebooks, I had over sixty sheets of paper that had been used. SIXTY. Maybe its just me, but that sounds like an atrocious amount for three classes.

After I was able to absorb the shock I was feeling, I then began to think about how absolutely ridiculous this is, especially because almost every single one of those pieces of paper could have been on my computer, not printed at all. I know some people feel that computers will decrease the value of reading and writing and the English language will suffer, blah blah blah. But why can’t we make an effort to save our language while saving the planet as well.

After writing this blog for just two weeks, these are the kinds of things that I begin to ponder over. I see the smallest thing and relate it back to how it could be possibly be hurting our environment and what extremely simple way we have to fix it. As said in the last blog, my bubble has been popped. But these are the things are we need to be curious about. So from now on, be your own cat and don’t be afraid to be curious about things related to the environment, the results could be wondrous.


1 comment:

  1. it is amazing how much stuff we use and a bit thoughtlessly at that. i agree once you start down this road it changes everything . Great post
