Monday, April 16, 2012

Popping Bubbles

Exercise, eat, work, sleep, repeat. A few months ago this was the continuous circle of my life, my largest stressors were an upcoming exam or paper. I am not saying that school is not important because it is.  Kids this is not a reason to slack off, but know  that there are larger issues in the world; and as parents it is your responsibility to educate your children!  I lived in my own private bubble of a world not really thinking about the worlds issues, sure I knew things like global warming existed but the only time it occupied my brain is when we learned about it in class.  You now may be thinking that I am a stuck up person, but honestly it was more like accidentally ignorant.  When my parents asked me about my day at the dinner table they wanted to know what I learned in all my classes and if I got any grades back; so the issues of the world did not play into my daily life.
This came to a screeching halt in my sociology class over winter term.  My teacher forced me to think out side of the box, bringing to light global issues and challenging my brain to think deeply.  This took time, and at first I really resisted in my bubble all the problems were solvable. Get a bad grade on the test? Go after class and talk to the teacher, get extra help and see if there is any extra credit that can be done. But the ideas of global warming and climate control, people have ideas but there is no definite answer and that is truly frightening.  In an article called The City by Alex Steffen, he states that we only have twenty five years to fix these issues and this paper was written two years ago meaning we only have twenty three left. I want to live a long healthy life, but if we don’t do something soon I wont even reach the age of forty-two, according to Steffen. Having realizations like this was the push I needed to start thinking about the world I live in and how if we don’t act soon it will be destroyed.  WE HAVE TO ACT NOW everyone who is stuck in the bubble of their daily life go and pop it.  The world needs to act together for a common goal and it all starts by making people, like myself, aware of the problems at hand.

1 comment:

  1. the great thing is that we can change the course of action here. It is very possible for you to get super involved and move forward. Remember our skype call with Tiffany. She took this whole issue on at 23 and now look at what she is about. I hope you really keep thinking about these issues and working on them.
