Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cellular Trash Cans?

PSA!!!!!! The Government is looking into having electronic trash cans that are going to move and be helpful to people in getting more trash in the trash cans. Well, maybe not. Just to grab your attention. But trash has been a big problem, especially in the world of cell phones. the problem with this is that many of these devices contain mercury and other hazardous materials that can affect the environment. Many people have their old cell phones and have no idea where to put them, other than the kitchen drawer. According to the US EPA, American homes own approximately 24 electronics per household. With that statistic, it makes me wonder how many are just on unused and old cell phones and electronic devices?

 I have noticed that many of the Cell Phone companies have tried to make an emphasis on recycling old phones and in return, they will give you a discount on the next phone you buy. Many places have rewards on recycling phones because it is becoming a growing problem around the United States. If your getting a reward for trading something in, I'd go for it. Little by little we can encourage those to start "eCycling" and getting involved in this movement. Some of the ways where you can get involved in this is calling your local government and organizing places where people in your area can go recycle their electronic devices and goods. This will show the community that you are willing to step out and have your voice heard in the name of going green.  Also, you can make sure you use your cell phone or electronic device to the fullest until it is time for a new phone, then give your old phone to a relative or someone that needs it. I have given some of my old cell phones to some of my cousins because it allows them to have a cell phone and still keep up technologically. 

We have learned through this week that recycling and reusing is imperative to going green. We understand that some technological and other things may come and improve, but we should make it a priority to reuse things until they do not work anymore. We have learned a lot this week about going green in more interesting and creative ways then the normal mediocre ways that the media and society has told us to recycle. We must be the ones to take the initiative, since we are the next generation who will be the future. We are different than a week ago, because we weren't aware of some of the in depth problems and solutions that we can take in going green. We have also looked up information about going green and seen in some classes about videos about how teenagers in our generation have been taking this challenge head on and improving our planet. We have also seen how bad our planet has been because of the negligence we have done to Earth. We have seen that we need to take the initiative to be the change that the older generation is expecting of us.  It has also helped us to become creative and join in this struggle to go green. Now, back to that idea of cellular trash cans.... That sounds like a cool idea..

For more information of eCycling here's the link from the EPA:

B. L. J. =Green Team.

1 comment:

  1. it is amazing that everyone does not know this . What can we do to convince folks to behave. e cycling is super important. That stuff does not bio-degrade and will be here for another million years. Keep raising awareness and change the way you live.. great job
