Friday, May 4, 2012

Caution!! Oil Consumption Is At An All-time High!

           In the 21st century, there are two major problems that are plaguing our earth: overpopulation of the developing world and overconsumption in the developed world. It is all about resources. There are either too many people consuming few resources or a few people consuming too many resources. Any way you look at, the earth does not have enough resources to go around. Resource depletion occurs when all of the natural resources in an area, both renewable and non-renewable have been exhausted. Human beings currently use resources far more quickly than they can be replenished. There are many of the earth’s resources that have crept into the red zone of scarcity, but one that we need to turn our attention to at the moment is oil.
            In the 1950’s, M. King Herbert came up with the concept of Peak Oil.  According to M. Kin Herbert, “All oil fields are observed to peak and decline in output; the same process happens with entire nations. Global oil production will peak at some point as well, after which a steady decline in global oil production will occur”. With populations increasing and economic growth of developing countries, the demand for oil will increase as well and there will be less for consumption. Some negative effects of Peak Oil consumption are:
  •          increased costs for the production of goods and services
  •          inflation
  •          unemployment
  •          reduced demand for products other than oil
  •          lower capital investment

Forecasts have predicted the timing of Peak Oil consumption to occur from now until 2030. With the wide range and uncertainty of surrounding the forecast of Peak Oil consumption, we need to take action on lowering oil the consumption of oil before it is too late.
           Luckily, The Oil Depletion Protocol was proposed by Dr. Colin Campbell, a prominent petroleum geologist and founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO), in 1996. This protocol is an international agreement that will enable nations of the world to cooperatively reduce their dependence on oil. By agreeing to the protocol, nations agree to reduce oil imports and exports by a specified amount each year, about 2.6 percent; signatory nations will help mitigate the negative consequences of an over-reliance on cheap oil and help prepare for a global decline in the world’s oil supply. This will produce, in effect, a global rationing system. If the entire world adopted the Protocol, global consumption of oil would decline by almost 3 percent per annum, thus stabilizing prices, preserving the resource base, and reducing competition for remaining supplies. It is time to take action now, before it’s too late.

To Read The Oil Depletion Protocol by Dr. Colin Campbell Go To:


1 comment:

  1. it is pretty astounding actually.. peak oil gas was 35 cents a gallon.
